quinta-feira, 31 de julho de 2008


DATA: 22 a 28 de Agosto de 2008

PAÍSES PARTICIPANTES: Portugal, Turquia, Bulgária, Letónia (Língua Oficial - Inglês)

We are a NGO primarily focusing on paragliding sport.
Our main themes for the activity are ‘education through sports and outdoor activities’ and ‘environment.
Different youth groups from different cultures will be able to get to know each other better by participating in joint activities during the exchange.
This will promote to intercultural dialoque -between the participant groups - which is our main thematic priority besides annual priority of Youth Projects .We will have workshops ,paragliding activitities ,cultural presentations and regarding our main theme –environment, forming a MANHAT FOREST ‘ as a concrete outcome of our Youth Exchange .
Young participants of the youth groups will be active in all phases of the exchange, including planning, preparation, evaluation, dissemination.
As for the last words, in fact, we are the same living under the same sky ‘Hands in Hands‘ despite our cultural diversities.

DATA: 22 a 28 de AGOSTO
IDADE: 18 – 25 anos
VAGAS: 5 (1 team leader + 5 participantes)
CUSTO: €200 (inclui viagens, estadia e alimentação)